Legal warning

The application for iOS Ready Tracker App is owned by Ready Imagine S.L.U with Fiscal Identification Number (NIF for Spain)  B66906496 and domiciled at C / Calabria, 94, bajos 2ª, BARCELONA-08015.

Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions are valid for the Mobile Application hereinafter READY TRACKER APP.


Ready Imagine S.L.U .: Ready Tracker App owners

Ready tracker app: Application owned by Ready Imagine S.L.U.

User: Anyone with the ability to enter into contracts to download and register an account in the Ready tracker app.


  1. By the time you download and install the application, you are accepting our terms and conditions. These terms constitute an agreement between the user who creates and registers an account and registers and Ready Imagine S.L.U.
  2. By creating your account you provide information about your name, email and age. We assume that the data is true. If not, you would be violating the terms of use.
  3. By creating a Route Tracker you are sharing information about your location in real time with other users. It is you who are sharing data and not READY TRACKER APP.
  4. In this application you can upload photos to groups or tracks. The photographs must be made by you, or you must have the intellectual property over them. Ready Imagine S.L.U. is not responsible for the content uploaded by its users.
  5. By the time you send photos to the app, you are allowing Ready Imagine S.L.U. the use of those photographs in the application in the same conditions in which they were uploaded. If they are public, any user will be able to see them through the app, and non-users will be able to see them through the web. If they are private, they can only be seen by the users of the groups with whom you have shared them. These conditions also apply to routes and groups.
  6. Your conduct must be in accordance with good faith and in no case may constitute a crime or harm to others.
  7. The content uploaded by the user must not be objectionable.
  8. You can report inappropriate behaviour. Once we confirm that the behaviour is inappropriate, we will delete the account of that user unilaterally.
  9. Ready Imagine S.L.U. can cancel and delete the application unilaterally, without this implying any type of compensation for any Ready tracker app user.
  10. Ready Imagine S.L.U. stores data from users of the Ready tracker application. This data is stored to show the routes, images, positions and chats of the user. In no case we share data with a third party for advertising or marketing purposes.
  11. On the web anyone can see the route tracks without being a registered user of Ready.
  12. Ready Imagine S.L.U. is not responsible for any type of activity by its users
  13. You can delete your account and all the content associated with it by sending an email to
  14. Ready Imagine S.L.U. is not responsible for failures in the network that prevent the proper functioning of the APP.
  15. These terms and conditions can be changed later. In case they change you must accept them again to continue using the application.
  16. In the event of a disagreement between the user and Ready Imagine S.L.U., the parties agree to resolve it amicably. In case of conflict, both parties agree to submit to the Courts of Barcelona, ​​waiving their own jurisdiction.
  17. In the event that Ready Imagine S.L.U. had to be sued before the ordinary courts for breach of the terms and conditions, s conditions all costs of extrajudicial and judicial claim, (including the costs of attorney, powers of attorney, etc ...) of Ready Imagine S.L.U. They will be paid by the user, regardless of the content of the court ruling, except in the event that the claim was dismissed in its entirety.

The user declares and acknowledges having read these Terms of Use in their entirety.

Ready Image S.L.U. reserves the right to modify these Terms of Use at any time, either in whole or in part. It is therefore the responsibility of the user to periodically consult the most up-to-date version of the Terms of Use that will be published on It is understood that Users have accepted the most up-to-date version each time they use the Ready Tracker App again.

Given the specific nature of the Internet, Ready Imagine S.L.U. does not guarantee uninterrupted access to Ready Tracker APP or continuity of service, and its obligations in this regard are limited to making reasonable efforts to do so.

Ready Imagine S.L.U. declines all responsibility in the event of lack of access to Ready Tracker App for any damage or loss that may arise from the use or inability to use Ready Tracker App or its contents, except to the extent which provides for the legislation in force.